I could hardly believe my eyes when this glass plate negative arrived and I discovered it was indeed Mrs. Mannooch (Choonam Chows in England) and a string of 5 of her gorgeous homebreds! I hesitate to purchase glass negatives as they have a tendency to break in shipment, but I have lucked out with the last 3 ……. and it was totally worth the risk!!!
This isn’t the best scan in the world. I need to switch to my lightbox and camera to get a better copy for my “positive” image, but couldn’t resist sharing this treasure asap!! The chow to the far left may be the litter sister to Ch. Choonam Brilliantine, the 10,000 dog Mrs Hoover in the USA purchased. It has been reported that she (Ch. Choonam Brilliantina) was an even better chow than her more famous brother.

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