I get so excited when one archive post leads to another…then another, and yet another…but by the time I get all the photos, text, newspapers etc in front of me, my mind is spinning and I forget what I was searching for in the first place. Granted, this is a GOOD problem and one that keeps me on my toes, this is for certain!! I hope you enjoy this article which is one of the earliest accounts in both photos and text of a very special chow who gave himself, heart and soul, to homeless children.
This story branches out from one I posted a couple of days ago ( see HERE) That tells of how the chow fad started in London. It seems the appearance of General Gordon’s Chinese chow “Wang” in England, was as key to the breed’s popularity as was Admiral Dewey’s famous chow mascot “Bob” in America (Read more about Bob HERE) Both well publicized in the newspapers. The photo above is an absolute gem as it depicts both Wang and his keeper in the orphanage , Robert Robinson. Wang was elderly , deaf, lame and very well loved.
ARTICLE SOURCE: Our Devoted Friend 1902 Sarah Knowles Bolton
British general Charles “Chinese” Gordon became a national hero for his exploits in China and his ill-fated defense of Khartoum against Sudanese rebels. READ MORE
This little antecdote comes from my friend Dennis Tang in Hong Kong which he found online
According to the tale, General Charles George Gordon presented a pedigreed dog to Li Hung-Chang, a visiting Chinese statesman who, after returning home, sent a note to the general thanking him for his delicious gift. (Oh my)
Li Hung Chang Chinese Statesman Circa 1872
It is always such a treat to be able to add more information to such an old story. This article below is from THE GRAPHIC Circa 1895

Wonderful! I love that you do this Sandy. It reminds us all about what a unique and ancient breed that we are so lucky to have in our lives.
Thank you so much Yvette!! I know what you mean , and everytime I find something very old like this I am reminded and it makes me so proud to be a chow owner!!! Not that I wasn’t already….lol….. but the history is so rich and fascinating. We are custodians of something pretty darned special