This excellent compilation below of America’s top foundation strains of Chows were part of an article in the December 1967 finale issue of THE AMERICAN CHOW CHOW magazine under the editorial reign of Georgia King. The article is for the most part, written by Capt. Will Judy, the author of the 1933 book (and still considered the chow bible by breed historians) THE CHOW CHOW.
These hand full of strong producers below, had their own foundation in England by way of original Chinese stock, and are the backbone of pretty much all Chows produced today. Take a look at your pedigrees and deconstruct them back far enough and you will see a lot of familiar names in these photos and family trees below.
With blue chows coming back into vogue again in today’s breeding programs, I found the last section regarding the blue foundation stock fascinating. Enjoy studying these 5 information-packed pages of pedigrees and photos!

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