CIRCA 1920- This is the first of 3 photos I am working on that represent the most influential Chow bitch of all time. Simply known as “Champion Pickles”
These snapshots I obtained at auction from a seller in England with two of the dogs NAMED on the photos. I am pretty certain that the man with this trio of lovely chows is Mr Allwright of England (Pickles owner, Lenmings breeder).
Center is positive ID’d as the bitch called “Pickles”
Left is positive ID’d as Pickles son “Lenming” (Sire: the great black chow “Pusa of Amwell”)
Right – I have seen this dog before and am searching to ID him. Possibly Loo Ling of Sheen an older Pickles son. See the 1920 article link highlighting Mr Allwright , Pickles, Lenming and Loo Ling
The original photo above you can see is very faded and yellowed but I was pleasantly surprised during restoration to find so much crisp detail still there to work with.

Pickles is the dam of 3 of the top 3 dogs who started the most influential Chow lines in England. She is behind most pedigrees today in England and abroad
Her son Lenming is very prominent in our own kennel of Chinarose Chows through his great great grandson the famous Ch. Choonam Brilliantine of Manchoover who I have written extensively about on ChowTales.

Another Pickles son,litter brother to Lenming is Ch. Hildewell Ba Tang (sire Pusa of Amwell -black) Ba Tang made an incredible contribution to the breed as well. Read more at the link to his name

Below you will find another of the wonderful images that I purchased in the set of 3. It is a professional original photo from 1920 of both Champion Pickles and Lenming displayed with their trophies from 2 shows
Adorable Lenming was a wee puppy in this image with a big bow on his neck!

The back of the photo is autographed Love and Thoughts Dorothy Lilleah (or Zilleah?) Any help in identifying this woman who I believe must be someone famous would be . My English chow friends might have some insight. I had to laugh at the expression on Pickles face. Typical chow girl playing the diva.

Enjoy studying these beautiful images from days gone by, and immerse yourself in the chows from 102 years ago in the infancy of the breed outside of China. YOURchows…… are THEIR legacy.

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