The coat color “white” was mentioned quite often in articles and books of the late 1800’s until about 1915 or so. I want to add more to this page as I find new images and mentions of the white chow which differs from the cream who has “biscuit” ears. These two examples are good ones. The painting above was titled by the artist “Chow”, and the dog exhibits a blue tongue, so we know this is indeed a “chow” and not a Samoyed or Spitz represented
This awesome find above is of the Princess of Montaglyon who was a breeder of both Chows and Samoyeds which makes one curious if there was any interbreeding going on. The 1906 newspaper clipping clearly states white chows so we can be pretty sure they are not Samoyeds…or at least not purebred Samoyeds…wink! Either way the “type” on all 3 of these white chows is very similar. Was this distinct type a genetic predisposition in whites?
What I really would love is more images and snippets to take the guesswork out of these white chows. If any of my readers have anything to share please contact me. I would love to hear from you!!

ADDED 5-15-17
CIRCA 1925 – In my continuing research on the beautiful Chinese themed “Far East” Kennels, I discovered this rare photo of Mrs Zifferer. She is returning from Europe with a new addition to the kennel. There are many ads in the period newspapers for their “rare” white chows.
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