These 4 images are from a series of glass slides created back in 1910 called ANECDOTES ABOUT DOGS and the photographer was the very famous portrait photographer, Thomas Fall (1833-1900). Manufactured by York and Son in England. Each slide is labeled as being a Chow which I find quite interesting as the last two are clearly both breeds from Asia but today not considered a “chow”, but possibly a Japanese Inu breed and Chinese Crested. Each image is so crisp and lovely you just want to step into the photo to touch these dogs…the magic was in Thomas Falls skilled artistry when he created dog portraits.

Thomas Fall was born on 19th October 1833 in Leyburn, Yorkshire. In 1867, Thomas Fall moved down to London to work as a photographer in the famous portrait studio of Elliott & Fry. By 1875, Thomas Fall had established his own photographic studio at 9 Baker Street, London. Thomas Fall specialised in canine photography and in the 1890s became well-known for his photographs of champion dogs. SOURCE

The adult dog with the puppies looks like what the Chinese call a Tang dog. There is a paper from Eric Omura you might find interesting, that explains the Tang dog link to the chow chow: https://kennellonfumun.kotisivukone.com/9
Thank you so much for the link SA!