This large 11x 9″ photo is in my personal collection and I consider it one of my most prized possessions! This is an original press photo from 1928 and as you can see there has been permanent “markup” done on the surface of this photo to show the editors how and where to crop for publication. As much as I would love to see that “frame” go away…it is actually part of the charm of this image and a little window into what pre-photoshop days must have been like. It looks to me like a metal file folder frame was laid on top with some whiteout added at the top to make it more artsy.
This is most likely what it would have looked like in print ….with text added around it of course

Hi was going to subscribe or join your list but a problem was encountered it said so thought I’d just message and send my email that way and I liked ( love)
Your page and Chow Chows they are perfect in my eyes
Stephanie here is the new way you can subscribe to the ChowTales email updates. Thanks for letting me know there was a problem
Stephanie, thank you SO much for writing and attempting ot subscribe. It looks like I need to update something here. I think what I’ll do is get back to you when I start a new email list for ChowTales. I’ll get that done this week so you can subscribe. Thank you for all the Chow LUV!!!!!!!!