Hundreds of Chow enthusiasts, from judges to breeders….exhibitors to companion owners, drop by ChowTales every month, and I would dearly love for YOU… the readers, to leave behind a little “history” of your own in this GUESTBOOK time capsule. Let me know a bit about your involvement in chows/dogs if you wish, or your interests in the ChowTales Archive and what type of articles do you enjoy. Thank you so very much for stopping in to visit and leave feedback. I hope you often return, as new content is added weekly. Sandra Miller-ChowTales curator
23 entries.
Would love ❤️ to send a picture of my boy and if you ever write more on these blue lion dogs of the clouds
The Mongolia and Buddhist people
Knew also that if pups were born this color in the litters the temples had Pic first
The pups
Had to be taken to the temple they were from the God's I was told 🙏 idk if this true but hey sounds right
Thank you for your article on the blue chow chows ,I have the honor
Having one now for five years ,,my boy and I have been together now five years,
I got him from a small breeder ,he is very old lines but I got for my service dog and he is the best service dog I've had ,he so sensitive and more intense intune with me than ever ,we are the best team,
He is my first chow chow,but I've worked with others after researching this blue chow after many years and looking into the God's of the clouds and praying
My Thorburn Barrett hento and I
Came to be March 29 2015 he was born I got him at three half weeks because he stopped nursing I finished bottle feeding him then imprinted and trained him he trained me to lol but we're inseparable
His frost tips on tail and hocks and blue all the rest and small the description in your Olde article is him to cue and Pic in the 1911 is pretty darn him but he more handsome 😉 well I got him fixed by law unfortunately long story I fought hard on it,
I no this breed is so much more than,don't no unfortunately I'm praying they learn because these beautiful baby's are amazing and smart and can do anything my boy is proof of this thank u so much Amanda and Thorburn, means Thors bear,
Barrett means bears strength
Means blue bear in Dakota
My native language
Thank you
You are amazing, Sandra. What you manage to dig out of nowhere? I love every single post in ChowTales.
There are just so many findings out there and with your restoration and beautiful presentation, it is such a pleasure to follow your archives.
Thank you is simply not enough.
Chow owner/occationally breeder/show person since 1979
I fell in love with Chows as a teenager. My first Chow was a red girl, Bailey. We got her as a puppy. My second was a senior, a cinnamon girl Stella Belle. She was absolutely perfect. My current Chow is Black Betty. I’m just in love with the breed. Stella and Betty were rescues from Chow Rescue of Missouri. I will always have a Chow. They have my heart.
The best site about chow, a lot of photos, articles. Thank you for you hard work. I don't know where I could find chow historic without your articles and photos. It's my lovely website!
A great site for our breed.
I have had two chow boys by my side for many years. Part of the good life!
My first Chow came to me as a rescue in 1990 and the rest is history. Training in self defense became a love of performance/companion dog sports. My 4.5 yr old cream Chow Baila has earned 27 AKC titles in dog sports plus a Championship in CPE agility and a WCFO musical freestyle title. My 10 yr old mixed breed Jia Li has almost as many AKC titles plus 5 CPE agility Championships and a CT-ATE ( agility team extraordinaire...equal to about 5 Championships) My youngest black Chow has a good start...9 AKC performance/companion titles at 17 months plus a CPE agility title. I prefer open faced, athletic Chows so Chow Tales has great pics of my favorite Chow types with their proud people. I am now dipping a toe into the conformation ring, and am fascinated with the changes in the breed since it was first introduced. Keep thos history lessons coming?
Sandra - I am so thankful for all you do for our beloved breed. The history is so important to preserving the Chow. I am in awe of how you manage to find all of the historical items. Thank you for developing the ChowTales website and providing us with all of the historical information to keep us not only in touch with the past but also educated for the future.
Thank you Sandy for all that you do, especially towards preserving the history of our breed.
I became involved with Chows in 1976. My first Chow was a gorgeous son of CH Melody St Noel and CH Cheries Chablis O Prophet and he came from Sherry Harper and Jan Montanye. He became CH Cherie's Moonshine Skys The Limit ROM. Most of the Chows I have today go back to Sky. I am proud to be a Breeder/Owner/Handler and Judge of our wonderful breed.
Sandra I don’t know how to begin, I want to thank you for keeping us educated on this wonderful breed and for all your beautiful art. You are amazing ?
I have had chows for 40 yrs. Showed in conformation initially then moved on to obedience competition with my dogs. My last 3 chows have been rescues. I currently have a cream Rescue female, Mya, that I adopted from Houston Chow Chow Connection. She’s our spoiled couch baby!
My first Chow came with my husband 44 years ago. My love for them grew stronger over the years - I kept them ditched the husband.
Dearest Sandra, what a gift you are to our beautiful and amazing world of chows. Thank you for this incredible collaboration of treasures. Hugs
Inspirational work! I love what you do, I respect it so much that I am featuring this site on mine in the must read section.
Thank you Sandra for the dedication to this work and so many other tasks.
We (RMCCC) are offering prizes from the Year of the Dog Collection on Zazzle at our regional this fall.
Cheers to you!
Sandra thank you for all the work you have done and will be doing. I enjoy it so much reading al your articles about our beloved breed, the Chow Chow.
I find it hard to believe I haven't signed before. I cannot say how much I admire Sandra Miller for the endless hours of work she continues to do maintaining and updating this site. She has gifted us with the knowledge of the breed we love, as well as the inspiration to improve it! Thank you, Sandra!!!
For me, it was intrigue then head over paws love at first sight for the Chow Chow. A large black Chow with a massive head and mane sat inside of an equally large black truck, passively stared back at me, then yawned and out spilled a purple tongue. What is this magnificent animal? That began my love affair for the breed. Unforgettable. I thought, it cannot be a bear. It must be a dog. But what breed? And that tongue! My research began and within one year I had a chow and was attending dog shows. 1983.
Thank you, Sandra, for your research and beautiful presentation of the Chow Chow through print and art.
I enjoy your vintage pictures and stories so much. I adore this breed and love to see the connection with people of the past.
Sandra I am very, very thankful for all the work you do for "our" Chow Chow. I admire your dedication, your way of presentation, your way of using the Chow in your art. You did a wonderful job, which all Chow lovers (and the Chows themselves, if they could) will enjoy to the utmost.
Thank you!
The information on this site is amazing! I have owned and breed this beloved breed for over 35 years under the kennel name of Ky Ching Chows. I have had the privilege of knowing and showing with and against many of our breeds most respected breeders. So being able to see and track so many of our dogs ancestors is amazing. Thank you Sandra for taking on this labor of love!!!
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