In the 1941 standard, a much larger emphasis was placed on the description of head than in the 1921 version, which ended up being part of the reason chows began trending towards being seen as a “head breed”.
Decades later in the 1980’s, the Chow Standard needed to be rewritten from the ground up, to emphasize the importance of evaluating all points of the animal equally, including balance, soundness and correct breed type,.
The smooth coated variety was omitted from this version for reasons I’m still researching.. The smooth coated variety was returned to the standard during the big rewrite in 1986, with many thanks to the Society for the Preservation of the Smooth Chow Chow for their dedication to returning the smooth to the standard
AKC Chow Standard revision March 1941
HEAD – Large and massive in proportion to the size of dog, with broad, flat skull: well filled under the eyes: moderate stop: and proudly carried. Expression-Essentially dignified, lordly, scowling, discerning, sober and snobbish-one of independence. Muzzle-Short in comparison to length of skull: broad from eyes to end of nose, and of equal depth. the lips somewhat full and overhanging. Teeth-Strong and level, with a scissors bite: should neither be overshot, nor undershot. Nose-Large, broad, and black in color. (Disqualification-nose spotted or distinctly other color than black except in blue Cows, which may have solid blue or slate noses. ) Tongue-A blue-black. The tissues of the mouth should approximate black. (Disqualification-drop ear or ears. A drop ear is one which is not stiffly carried or stiffly erect, but when breaks over at any point from it’s base to it’s tip.)
BODY – Short, compact, with well-spring ribs, and let down in the flank.
NECK – Strong, full, set well on the shoulders
SHOULDERS – Muscular, slightly sloping
CHEST – Broad, deep, and muscular. A narrow chest is a serious fault.
BACK – Short, straight and strong
LOINS – Broad, deep, and powerful.
FORELEGS – Perfectly straight, with heavy bone and upright pasterns
HIND LEGS – Straight-hocked, muscular, and heavy boned. Feet-Compact, round, catlike, with thick pads.
GAIT – Completely individual. Short and stilted because of the straight hocks.
COAT – Abundant, dense, straight, and off-standing: rather coarse in texture with a soft , woolly undercoat. It may be any clear color, solid throughout, with lighter shadings on ruff, tail and breechings.
DISQUALIFICATIONS – Nose spotted or distinctly other color than black, except in blue Chows, which may have solid blue or slate noses. Tongue red, pink or obviously spotted with red or pink. Drop ear or ears.
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