1965 Crufts Dog Show – England- video and catalog of chow entry

Above and below you will find screen shots I took from the video (scroll down) highlighting a few of the chows benched at the 1965 Crufts Dog Show in England…including a SMOOTH!.  You will see the chows on the video at about time marker 5:56.   Curiosity got the best of me , so I went on a hunt to see if I could find who was entered to try and identify these dogs.   I hit the jackpot and found all the Crufts entries since the show began on The Kennel Club website in their archives, so I  took screen shots of the 1965 entries and put them into a PDF –CLICK HERE TO SEE WHAT CHOWS WERE ENTERED…OVER 70 ENTRIES!


CLICK THE VIDEO BELOW TO VIEW THE CHOWS AT MINUTE  5:56[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_fPmjn8uP4?rel=0]